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Stagg Tree & Waterfall Tree

Note: all info and pictures are from before the Castle Fire.


The Stagg Tree, the fifth largest tree in the world and estimated to be over 3,000 years old, can be reached by a short (less than one mile walk) on a private road in Sequoia Crest. You will follow a trail from the designated parking area, through a camp, to the top of a steep trail that goes down to the Stagg Tree. On your way back after climbing the trail back to the main path, be sure to look down to see the top of the Stagg Tree.


Sequoia Crest also has the Waterfall Tree, which has the largest circumference at ground level of any living Giant Sequoia. The Waterfall Tree can be reached on the same hike as the Stagg Tree (just slightly further down the main trail), though the trail isn't marked so it is a little harder to find. Sadly, the Waterfall Tree was lost in the Castle Fire.

The community of Sequoia Crest is located in a private Giant Sequoia grove and so is a fantastic place to visit to see these magnificent trees—many are located right along the side of road! For example, when you turn off Redwood Drive to go to the Stagg Tree parking area, be sure to look up to see the Window Tree which has an enormous hole in the top from a lightning strike. On your way back, take the lower Alder Drive to see some beauties on the side of the road, including the Stump with the Rock in It. 

Directions to and more information about the Stagg Tree

Directions to and more information about the Waterfall Tree

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